Kids' Syllabus and Course Content for children's classes

Kids syllabus course content

When we designed the kids’ syllabus, we wanted to find the perfect balance between two ideas:

  1. Flexibility for the teacher to personalise the content
  2. Standardisation to offer equal resources to all our students

In practice, we allow our teachers to personalise the content of the classes to meet the needs and interests of each student, whether child or adult. They manage several components to optimise the general kids’ syllabus and tailor the content of their classes using our methodology and specific resources we provide

Components that determine the kids’ syllabus

  • Age can determine the basic interests of students
  • CEFR level provides a guideline as to what the student should be achieving.
  • Communication objectives help keep teachers focused on fomenting valuable skills.

Topics for class content depend on the age of the children

As children grow and develop, their interests and need for the language change. The kids’ syllabus adapts to this factor and we have a list of suggested topics for our teachers to use in class. Click on the toggles below to see the kids’ syllabus topics that we use according to the age of the child.

Very Young Kids
Syllabus for kids
Young Learners
Syllabus for kids of all levels
course for children
Syllabus for teenagers
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Toys Colours and shapes Emotions and feelings Senses and body parts Weather Days of the week Numbers 1-20 Months and seasons

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Bigger numbers Video games Sports and games Special days and holidays The animal kingdom Home, towns and cities Food and healthy eating School /office vocabulary

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Street art (Banksy etc) Books and reading Historic events The galaxy Artificial intelligence The human body Natural disasters Extreme sports

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The environment and pollution Women in art Political events (elections etc) Poems and Song lyrics Fashion Pyschology personality types Travelling and world culture Making plans for the future

CEFR level determines grammar targets in the kids’ syllabus

Click through the tabs to see the course content for each CEFR level. By the way, you can find great grammar tips on our Grammar Index page

Present simple forms of ‘to be’ – am/is/are
Present simple – I do, I don’t, Do I?
Present continuous – I’m doing, I’m not doing, Are you doing?
Present simple or present continuous?
have got
was/were – past simple of ‘be’
Past simple – regular/irregular verbs
Past simple – negatives and questions
‘will’ and ‘shall’ – Future
be going to – plans and predictions
can, can’t – ability, possibility, permission
The imperative – Sit down! Don’t talk!
Would you like…? I’d like…
Verbs + to + infinitive and verbs + -ing
a/an, plurals – singular and plural forms
a/an, the, no article – the use of articles in English
this, that, these, those
Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns (I/my, you/your, etc.)
Object pronouns vs subject pronouns – me or I, she or her?
a, some, any – countable and uncountable nouns
much, many, a lot of, a little, a few
whose, possessive ‘s – Whose is this? It’s Mike’s
there is, there are – there was, there were
There or it
Adjectives – old, interesting, expensive, etc.
Adverbs of manner (slowly) – or adjectives (slow)?
Comparative adjectives – older than, more important than, etc.
Superlative adjectives – the oldest, the most important, etc.
Conjunctions: and, but, or, so, because
at, in, on – prepositions of time
at, in, on – prepositions of place
next to, under, between, in front of, behind, over, etc.
Questions – word order and question words
Adverbs of frequency with present simple
Present simple vs present continuous
Present perfect – form and use
Present perfect or past simple?
Past simple – Form and use
Past continuous and past simple
Past perfect
will vs be going to – future
Present continuous for future arrangements
Review of all verb tenses A2
How to use the verb ‘go’ in English
have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t
should, shouldn’t
might, might not – possibility
used to, didn’t use to – past habits and states
First conditional and future time clauses
Second conditional
Present and past simple passive: be + past participle
Reported speech – indirect speech
Expressing purpose with ‘to’ and ‘for’
Infinitives and gerunds – verb patterns
Subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives
Something, anything, nothing, etc.
much, many, little, few, some, any – quantifiers
too, too much, too many, enough
Defining relative clauses – who, which, that, where
so, neither – so am I, neither do I, etc.
Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
however, although, because, so, and time connectors
Prepositions of movement – along, across, over, etc.
Asking questions in English – Question forms
Subject questions, questions with preposition
Present simple or present continuous
Past simple or present perfect?
Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
Past simple, past continuous, past perfect
Future forms – will, be going to, present continuous
Review of all verb tenses B1
have to, must, should – obligation, prohibition, necessity, advice
Can, could, be able to – ability and possibility
Modal verbs of deduction – must, might, could, can’t
usually, used to, be used to, get used to
had better… it’s time
First conditional, future time clauses
Second conditional – unreal situations
First and second conditionals
Third conditional – past unreal situations
Passive verb forms
Active and passive voice
Indirect speech – reported speech
Gerund or infinitive – do, to do, doing
A(n), the, no article
Reflexive pronouns – myself, yourself
much, many, a lot, little, few, some, any, no – quantifiers
all, both – quantifiers
both, either, neither – quantifiers
any, no, none – quantifiers
Another, other, others, the other, the others
Defining and non-defining relative clauses
Question tags – aren’t you? don’t you?
Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
-ed/-ing adjectives – adjectives from verbs
so, such, such a, so much, so many
Clauses of contrast, purpose and reason
Verb + preposition
Adjective + preposition
during, for, while
Narrative tenses – used to, would
Future forms – expressing future time
Other ways to express future – be about to, be due to, etc.
Future in the past
Modal verbs – permission, obligation, prohibition, necessity
Speculation and deduction – modal verbs and expressions
Verbs of the senses
get – different meanings
All conditionals – mixed conditionals, alternatives to if, inversion
Wish, rather, if only, it’s time – unreal uses of past tenses
Distancing – expressions and passive of reporting verbs
Verb + object + infinitive/gerund – verb patterns
Gerunds and infinitives – complex forms
Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
Generic pronouns – common-gender pronouns
Compound nouns and possessive forms
Relative clauses – defining and non-defining
There and it – preparatory subjects
have – auxiliary or main verb
Ellipsis and substitution
Inversion with negative adverbials – adding emphasis
Clauses of contrast, purpose, reason and result
Discourse markers – linking words
Participle clauses
Cleft sentences – adding emphasis
Adjective – different meaning depending on the context
The use & example of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
The use of modal verbs to express the past
Simple Present – special usage of “do”
Modal verbs in the past – use & examples
Prepositional phrases – usage & examples
Perfect infinitive, passive infinitive & gerund
Plural form of foreign origin’s nouns
Adverb – advanced usage & inversion after adverbs
His, hers, their or one’s – usage & examples

Communication objectives promote valuable language skills.

We take pride in our methodology which focuses on communication and producing language; that is speaking and writing language skills.

Our kids’ syllabus includes communication objectives and aims for each CEFR level, click through the tabs to read more.  

To understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
To introduce him/herself and others and to ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
To interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

To understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
To communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
To describe matters of immediate need in simple terms.

To understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

To understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

To deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.

To produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of personal interest.

To describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

To understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.

To understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.

To interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.

To can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

To understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.

To understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.

To express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

To use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

To produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

To understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.

To understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.

To summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.

To express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.